
Mini haul: Look by Bipa + Essence

Alla faccia dell'haul.. 4 cose! Va beh, mi trattengo visto la lunga serie di acquisti fatti online! Avendoli visti in vari blog e avendone sentito parlare su Twitter ho deciso di provare qualche prodotto della linea Look by BIPA e della Essence. Ecco cosa ho preso:

Yes, that's not really a haul.. they're only 4 things! Well, the reason is that I have to control myself since I recently bought a huge amount of things online! Lately I've seen a lot on blog (and on Twitter too) products from Look by BIPA and Essence, so I decided to test something. Here's what I got:

1. Look by BIPA Reflex Blue High Speed Nail Polish (n° 18)
2. Look by BIPA Copper Shine High Speed Nail Polish (n° 15)
3. Essence Multiglitter Tip Painter color So Funky (n° 03)
4. Essence Nail Cuticle Softener Pencil

L'unica cosa che ho provato finora è stata la matita curativa per le cuticole. Veramente eccezionale! Semplice da usare, ammorbidisce velocemente, e ha un buonissimo odore.

The only thing I've tested yet is the Cuticle Pencil. That's really good! It's very simple to use, sock quickly and has a really good smell.

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